Get ready to celebrate Record Store Day. Find your nearest record store, where you can get exclusive access to new vinyl releases, event locations, and more.
Each month, we’ll shine a spotlight on a specialist retail exclusive you can snag at your local record shop.
And who better to kick things off than a band that’s been a record store staple for over four decades? We’re thrilled to present The Cure and their highly anticipated new release: A specialist retail exclusive Grey Marbled Bio Vinyl edition of Songs Of A Lost World.
This marks their first album in 16 years, and it’s everything fans could hope for. Songs Of A Lost World taps into The Cure’s signature rock sound, exploring themes of death, loss, and memory that feel as raw and powerful as they did back in 1979.
Plus, record collectors will appreciate the stunning artwork by Slovenian sculptor Janez Pirnat, depicting the striking image of a head emerging from stone - a fitting symbol of transformation and endurance, perfectly mirroring the band’s journey over the years.
So, grab your specialist retail exclusive Grey Marbled Bio Vinyl of Songs Of A Lost World from your local record shop today, and get ready to immerse yourself in their timeless, haunting sound (once again).
That’s not all!
In the words of Robert Smith here’s his very own Track by Track run down:
1. Alone
I’ve got a telescope, and I love being outside and looking at the sky, usually there’s a fire going, when the fire dies down and the stars blink out and dawn arrives and there’s a feeling of, aw, the nights gone. For most people it’s the sun comes up, for me it’s the stars are disappearing. I wanted to capture that feeling of feeling very solitary. Theres a moment when that happens, when you suddenly realise it’s getting light, and you feel incredibly vulnerable and alone.
2. And Nothing is Forever
This is about a promise I made to someone who was very ill that I would be with them when they died. It’s that simple. And I wasn’t, and because I wasn’t, I wrote this song. It’s a small compensation from me. It’s not good to break promises.
3. A Fragile Thing
It's about love. How love is the most enduring of emotions. It’s the most powerful emotion and its incredibly resilient and at the same time incredibly fragile. That’s paradoxical, I know. You feel in danger of destroying something, and yet, you know it can’t be destroyed.
4. Warsong
It’s a generalised song about how we’re born to war. Sadly, as I’ve grown older, I’ve started to believe it more. I was brought up to believe in the best, to believe that people are generally good unless proved otherwise, it’s hard to maintain that as you grow old as there’s so much evidence that points in the opposite direction. People are always fighting each other for absolutely nothing, it’s so ridiculous. In my mind, the most dismal song on the album, great guitar solo, though
5. Drone:NoDrone
Someone sent a drone over our house, and it really upset me. It really pissed me off, (The song) ended up being me coming to terms with my reaction to it, of how I’m becoming an old grouch, it’s very easy to tip over into fond memories of a world that is rapidly disappearing or has already. Thankfully, I’m aware my reactions to the modern world are a bit extreme. Drone:NoDrone was about me coming to terms with the end of a chaotic life, at times. Do I have the drive and the persistence to continue, can I step back out and continue doing this? I can, I will, I do. But there are moments I just want to leave the front door shut and go back upstairs.
6. I Can Never Say Goodbye
When my older brother, Richard, died, obviously it affected me a lot. He brought me up, he taught me everything when I was younger. There was an enormous outpour of emotion. I needed to get what I was feeling out of me. (This song is) a very simple narrative of what happened on the night that he died. It allowed me to deal with it all.
7. All I Ever Am
It's the hardest song to explain (…) It’s a strange feeling of disassociation from myself and it was that I was trying to put in the song. It’s an odd song, it took the longest for me to be happy with it.
8. Endsong
It was me looking back at the moon landings, and thinking where did it all go? I feel the same looking up at the moon as I did when I was 10, but I’m not the same, and yet, I kind of am. The moon’s pretty much the same.